Cleaning the components of a fire protection system


The Marioff Corporation Oy’s Kerava production unit manufactures all parts included in the company’s fire protection systems; nozzles, valves and different pump units. The components for the fire protection systems’ sprinklers and valves are manufactured with 24 modern CNC machine tools. The machined materials are brass, and stainless and acid resistant steels. The component sizes vary from a few grams to over ten kilos.

All products manufactured by the machine shop go through the FinnSonic Optima ultrasonic cleaning line, so it must operate smoothly. “Previously, we cleaned our products in a cylinder washing machine, the cleaning quality of which varied depending on the detergent and parts to be cleaned. The parts drying included using a compressed air gun, and that caused a lot of noise pollution. Also environmental and work safety matters supported the decision to move on to using ultrasonic cleaning. After test cleanings, the competitive tendering and fulfilling the technical requirements we had set, we ended up choosing this alternative. Additionally, earlier positive experiences with FinnSonic’s operations and skilled staff supported the decision”, states Technology Manager Antti Tiainen from Marioff.

Marioff’s requirements for component cleanliness are high. A good number of the machined products are coated after the cleaning. There can be no spots, grease or stains on the components’ surfaces – this would hinder the coating. The chips and other impurities that remain in the small cavities and other tracts of the products cannot be removed with traditional cleaning methods. FinnSonic’s Optima ultrasonic cleaning line meets the company’s requirements for cleanliness and quality.

The components of Marioff’s water mist fire protection systems are cleaned using the FinnSonic Optima ultrasonic cleaning line.

A strategic investment

Acquiring an ultrasonic cleaning line was a considerable investment for Marioff. In addition to production matters, the company did examine the investment from many different angles. Strategically, the investment’s importance was highlighted when considering matters of increased cost-efficiency and user comfort as well as being able to produce cleaner and better products for the customers. The strategic importance of safety and environmental issues were also emphasized.

Marioff Corporation Oy is the world’s largest supplier of water mist fire protection technology, with unrivalled experience in supplying system solutions worldwide under the HI-FOG® brand. Marioff is a part of UTC Building & Industrial Systems, a unit of United Technologies Corp. Marioff’s main customers include hotels, hospitals, museums and culturally valuable buildings as well as ship manufacturers around the world. Marioff Corporation employs approximately 400 people across Europe, of which about 100 in the Kerava production facility.

View products used in this solution

Heavy duty component cleaning solutions for manufacturing industries. Bespoke designs are provided for stringent requirements for cleanliness, material handling and highest volume throughputs. Both manual and fully automatic solutions are available with wide range of options.


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