Detergents for ultrasonic cleaning

Detergents for industrial process

Choose from a wide range of washing detergents to complement your equipment and cleaning needs. FinnSonic offers complete process solutions to industrial cleaning with economical, safe and powerfull cleaning detergents.

5 factors affecting the choice of detergent

  • Contamination
  • Base material
  • Cleanliness requirement
  • Cleaning technique
  • Health, safety and environmental factors

Order detergents

Choose from a wide range of washing detergents to complement your equipment and cleaning needs.

Order detergents from FinnSonic service

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The right detergent to achieve the desired level of cleanliness

Cleanliness is proven to have a significant effect in production quality, efficiency and results. The right detergent reduces surface tension, reinforces cavitation and binds the dissolved contamination into the washing liquid. The quality remains high with the right control procedure and equipment.

Our applications expertise and process testing services are at your disposal for defining the right detergents. During the production process FinnSonic’s Service Team will help you with the process control. The quality remains high with the right control procedure and equipment.

Bubbles on metal surface

Designed for both the general industrial maintenance cleaning and for mould and tool cleaning. Corus units cleans even the most demanding parts efficiently and saves working hours, yet still achieving a high level of cleanliness.


Cleaning equipment for optimising your processes.

Read about our process solutions

Cleaning the gluing surfaces of metal parts

Metal surfaces that need to be glued require excellent cleanliness in the manufacturing process to pass the approval. FinnSonic equipment…
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Sustainable cleaning process

Sustainable cleaning process to save water and detergents, all while making the workers ergonomics better.
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High precision cleaning in clean room assembly

Cleaning of mechanical precision parts for clean room assembly require constant and high level of cleanliness. FinnSonic equipment delivers the…
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