Mould and Tool Cleaning

cleaning a die cast mould in ultrasonic tank

Reduce mould maintenance costs by up to 50 %

Update slow and labour-intensive mould and tool cleaning to easy, safe, and cost-effective way of cleaning injection moulds and tools . Ultrasonic removes stubborn contamination from metallic surfaces yet being gentle and non-abrasive on the base material. Ultrasonic cleaning is effective and safe for all injection moulds and tools. Material build up, release agents, lubricants and other contaminants are cleaned off thoroughly without damaging the moulds or tools.

Performance and quality, build to last

You can get up to 50% cost savings in mould maintenance compared to traditional methods.

Regular cleaning keeps the tools’ surfaces free from damage and can lengthen the instrument’s service life by up to 30%.

Save in operational costs

  • Fast cleaning with less operator input
  • Quick ROI

Get higher end product quality

  • Reduced end product post processing
  • No damage on polished surfaces
  • No rejects due to insufficient mould cleaning

Mould and Tool Cleaning Applications

ApplicationCleaned componentsFinnSonic benefits
Plastic injection mouldingMould plates
Mould inserts
Screwing systems
Thoroughly cleans burnt-on residue from mould cavities without damaging sensitive surfaces.
Rubber mouldingMould plates
Mould inserts
Effectively cleans the stubborn media and release agent residues from mould cavities.
Die casting, zinc, aluminiumMould plates
Mould inserts
Thoroughly cleans media, release agent and lubricant residues from mould components.
Synthetic fiber extrusionSpinnerets and other spin pack componentsThorough cleaning of spinneret holes after pyrolysis down to micrometer diameters.
Plastic profile extrusionExtrusion toolsEffective cleaning of burnt on residue without damaging extrusion tools.
Aluminium extrusionExtrusion dies
Die rings
Accelerated aluminium removal from dies.
Stamping, punching and press brake toolsThorough removal of e.g. Al, Zn buildup without damaging tools.
Aluminium coil slittingSlitting knives spacersThorough removal of material build- up and other contamination with stain free finish.

Safe and environmentally friendly processes

  • Enclosed space for the cleaning processes
  • Ergonomic handling of moulds with baskets and hoists
  • No harsh chemicals required
  • Low energy and water consumption

Longer tool and mould life

  • No abrasion on surface
  • No blunting of edges and corners

Better process solution?

FinnSonic offers complete process solutions.

The process solutions can be chosen from our standard machines or made precisely for your company’s needs. Let’s discuss more about your cleaning process needs.

Contact us

Precision cleaning solutions for manufacturing industries. The line can be constructed from a single manually operated unit to a fully automatic multi-stage line. All lines are based on robust treatment tank modules.
Designed for both the general industrial maintenance cleaning and for mould and tool cleaning. Corus units cleans even the most demanding parts efficiently and saves working hours, yet still achieving a high level of cleanliness.


Cleaning equipment for optimising your process

Read about our solutions

Maintenance cleaning for industries

References for the maintenance cleaning in industrial areas.
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Reach inside of bended pipes and blind holes with ease

Ultrasound reaches the inside of bended pipes and cleans the blind holes with ease and with no manual labour.
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Cleaning the gluing surfaces of metal parts

Metal surfaces that need to be glued require excellent cleanliness in the manufacturing process to pass the approval. FinnSonic equipment…
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